Kharagpur Winter of Code (KWoC) Project Report — Anubhab Swain

4 min readJan 9, 2021

What is Kharagpur Winter of Code ?

KWOC — Kharagpur Winter of Code is a 5-week long online program organized by KOSS (Kharagpur Open Source Society) , for the students of various colleges, who are new to open source software development.

The programme encourages a lot of students who are relatively new to open source contribution to contribute to open source repositories and projects during the 5 week long mentorship programme. It also provides a mock environment for preparing students for larger open source competitions including but not limited to GSoC (Google Sumer of Code).

Choosing the project :

Personally , it took me a lot of time in order to choose projects I was interested in , primarily because of the large variety in the choices available on the KWoC website.

I have taught myself various languages including but not limited to C , C++ , Python , Web Development , etc ; but I was primarily interested to contribute to projects related to application software or those related to Implementation of Data Structures and Algorithms. Being a competitive programmer and software enthusiast , made me get attracted towards three major projects .

Projects :

Project 1: Tinder Bot

Mentor: Rohan Gupta

Tech Stack: Markdown

Name : Anubhab Swain  
University : Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) Commits : 2
Pull Requests : 3
Branch : BTech CSE
Lines of code (added/subtracted) : (13/4)

Contributions :

Solved Issue #1 :Improve the

Pull Request #13 (Merged)

Solved Issue #84 :Rock Paper Scissor

Pull Request #85 (Merged)

Added a solution for Issue #163 (Not Merged)

Pull Request #196 (Not Merged)

My Experience with KWoC :

I came to know about KWoC through one my friends during an online session on GSoC. After successfully navigating through the competition for 5 weeks and now standing at the end , it’s my firm belief that KWoC has enriched my knowledge of Open Source Software while teaching me how to communicate with the right people in order to get advice and execute the task at hand. I have always believed in taken things step by step. After the completion of Hacktoberfest 2020 and now KWoC 2020 , open source software for me has come up as a great opportunity to polish my technical skills.

Conclusion :

KWoC 2020 has been a great source to learn about Open Source Contribution. The beginner friendly and yet challenging projects have served their purpose as an ideal gateway into the realm of Open Source Software. I would surely encourage my colleagues and all those who are relatively new to Open Source , to surely take part in the future KWoC challenges.

Also , a special thanks to my mentors for their priceless support , valuable advice and guidance which helped make me pull off and hence complete this challenge. This surely wouldn’t have been possible without them.

I therefore look forward to learn more programming languages , frameworks and continue to contribute to open source projects.

I am excited for the future and thankful for the opportunity bestowed by KWoC 2020 and thank KOSS , IIT KGP , for the same.





18 // Senior in High School. Mostly coding, rarely writing.